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Why does this not work

by dewhite57 posted May 11 2022, 9:17

My script seems ok, I can do this in Python, it doesn't throw errors but the bot never responds to a question like What is CVE-2022-29315.  I don't really know much about self and have been working from examples.  Maybe it is the JSON parsing?  I don't really know how that works in self.  I put the script in the bot and moved it to the top of the list.  I even tried it with just a return of "Duh" and it still didn't respond to the question (even without all the json stuff).  So, maybe I just don't know how to get this in the bot's brain?  Any examples would be helpful.  Thanks

state getCVE {
    pattern "(what) (was is) [CVE CVE-ID ID] *?" template foo();
    function foo() {
        temp = http.requestJSON("" + star );
       //severityIs = temp.result.CVE_Items[0].impact.baseMetricV3.cvssV3.baseSeverity
       descIs = temp.result.CVE_Items[0].cve.description.description_data[0].value
       if (temp == null) {
           return "I don't think so";
       return (descIs);

by admin posted May 12 2022, 9:28
Looking at your bot I see several issues.

First you have learning enabled, this is not recommend and will make the bot learn EVERY reply you give it as a new response.

For your scripts, the best way to debug a script is to click on the "debug" checkbox in chat and set the log level to FINE. This would give you,

WARNING -- Language:Missing function: requestJSON on: <509 #null *,a:1,c:0,p>
This means the class or method you are using is wrong. This is because you are using http not Http.

Fixing this gives you the error,

WARNING -- Http:Illegal character in path at index 56: - 39315
This is because space characters are not allowed in URLs, you need to encode URL parameters.

Also traversing a deep JSON object can be tricky, I would debug it by traversing 1 level at a time and printing the result. If you traverse nested array elements you need to use "elements" in Self.

Try something like:

state getCVE {
    pattern "(what) (was is) [CVE CVE-ID ID] *" template foo();
    function foo() {
        temp = Http.requestJSON("" + Http.encode(star.toString().replace(" ", "")) );
       //severityIs = temp.result.CVE_Items[0].impact.baseMetricV3.cvssV3.baseSeverity
       descIs = temp.result.CVE_Items.elements.[0].cve.description.description_data.elements.[0].value
       if (temp == null) {
           return "I don't think so";
       return (descIs);

Updated: May 12 2022, 9:30
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by dewhite57 posted May 12 2022, 11:14

Thanks that debug mode is very helpful.   The JSON object "elements" command throws an error that says Invalid attribute name: [ which seems to be around the elements.[0].  Is there a doc somewhere that explains how json parsing in self works?  I can parse other things out of the json like in python but when I get to the nested elements, it throws an error.

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by dewhite57 posted May 12 2022, 11:27

I figured it out the .elements.[0] does not work.  But, if you use this syntax:

conversation.topic.description = resp.result.CVE_Items.get(#element, 0).cve.description.description_data.get(#element, 0).value;

it returns the nested string description.  So, the whole script which retrieves a description of a CVE inquiry is:

state cveLookUp {
pattern "(what) (was is) (CVE) *" template getCVE();

function getCVE() {
resp = Http.requestJSON("" + Http.encode(star.toString().replace(" ", "")));
conversation.topic = star.toString();
conversation.topic.description = resp.result.CVE_Items.get(#element, 0).cve.description.description_data.get(#element, 0).value;

if (conversation.topic.description == null){
output = "CVE " + converstion.topic + " does not exist";
} else {
output = "CVE-" + conversation.topic + " is dedscribed as: " + conversation.topic.description;
return output;


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Views: 876, today: 0, week: 10, month: 10

by admin posted May 13 2022, 14:26

Glad to hear you got it working.

For using element use,
For Self see,

Updated: May 13 2022, 14:27
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Views: 857, today: 2, week: 9, month: 9

Id: 43012861
Posted: May 11 2022, 9:17
Updated: May 12 2022, 9:21
Replies: 4
Views: 1052, today: 2, week: 13, month: 13